In this video you will find two hip stretches, these postures are for tight hips but are not suitable if you have had a hip replacement. Please always consult your medical and therapeutic practitioners before trying any new exercises. The two stretches here are: The Open Hip Stretch and The Quadruped Hip Flexor Lunge. The Open Hip Stretch is working on stretching out the Adductor muscles whilst focusing on a 'Pilates Mind' to keep good lumber spine posture. The Quadruped Hip Flexor Lunge is working on stretching the Quadriceps, Psoas and Hip Flexors general whilst improving balance and stability.
I am currently offering online Pilates classes and online Pilates Personal Training via Zoom. I can help with injury rehabilitation, pain relief, postural alignment and general fitness.
Please get in touch for details.
Lucy Filce
Pilates Birmingham
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